Thursday, April 23

Week 3 Update with the Hotties

(We had some difficulties with this week where the newsletter didn't send completely, so it had to be sent twice.  Pouty Princess is the one who sends out the newsletter, even if it's the leafy bombshell who updates the blog)

If I didn't get yours this week I will email/ text/ call you this weekend and make sure everything is ok.
1. Pouty Princess
weight- lost 3 pounds
inches - lost 2 inches
something that you did that you are proud of this week-i did 5 classes at the gym- 2 yoga, cycling, cardio bootcamp, and a step class
a time when you caught yourself eating when you know you shouldn't have been-easter candy mmmmmmm
things that have been easier than you thought this week-getting back on track.. working out gives me the energy i need
things that have been harder than you thought this week-seeing some of my measurements go up or down the way i dont want them to
things you learned this week- yoga is hard
ways you may make changes for next week- more workout... less crap food
2. leafy bombshell
inches - gain 1/2 inch
something that you did that you are proud of this week- I totally kept
to doing either walking or bellydancing everyday
a time when you caught yourself eating when you know you shouldn't
have been-That sugar donut after my hair appointment Tuesday... I just
REALLY wanted it.
things that have been easier than you thought this week-  Getting my
family to stock the house with healthier things to eat.
things that have been harder than you thought this week- I've lost my
appeal of sleeping at the right bedtime, so getting enough sleep but
still wake up to have breakfast and work out has been a little harder.
things you learned this week- That I can't trust the scale :( Or that
I can't get all caught up on pounds
ways you may make changes for next week- I need to find ways to really
push it daily.  I know I do at least 40min a day but I think maybe I
should work up to more.
anything you would like to share with the group- Hopefully we can
build on how to best get a sense of community out of our little group!
And that I hope everyone has been getting something positive from
this experience.

3. Skinny Bitch
inches- gain 1/2 inch
something that you did that you are proud of this week- not in the gym, but I decided to quit my job. It was causing major stress for me for the past year. So as of May 31st I will be a new woman.. :D
things that have been harder than you thought this week- motivation to go to the gym. My housemate and I go together but lately she has had crazy hours so its hard to go together..
4. Neurotic Cookie---- awesome to see you here!!!!!
inches lost since week one- 10 inches
sizes lost-2
something that you did that you are proud of this week- I got into my pair
of 'less fat' jean ;)
a time when you caught yourself eating when you know you shouldn't have
been- Found a lil PRican restuartant, it soooo good but soooo bad for me
hings that have been easier than you thought this week- working out with my
son (ever try to tire a 2 year old)
things that have been harder than you thought this week- finding a Sitter
things you learned this week- don't forget liquids carry calorie content
too! (like liquor)
ways you may make changes for next week- dancing! must dance dance alot
anything you would like to share with the group- don't forgo food to have
the calories in the drinks, then you'll have drunk tummy and eat anyway so
you'd have screwed yourself over twice
Totals for group (with the information I have right now)
dont forget some people are trying to gain
total group weight - 12 pounds lost
total group inches- 21 1/2 inches lost WOW
I want to remind everyone that we are doing this together.  Don't be ashamed to admit things that are hard to do.  We all have those things.  If you don't want you weight posted one week, send it to me (to keep faithful) and put a note telling me not to share by it.  I'll respect that.
Remember that weight and measurements are going to fluctuate sometimes..  Muscle weighs more than fat does, and we are building muscle.  Measurements may go up especially in the arms and thighs as may your weight.  Don't be afraid to do some weight training, you won't bulk up..  Its one of the best ways to accelerate fat loss and gain muscle.  Even if its 2 water bottles or cans of food.  Work your muscles.  It will speed up your metabolism all day long.  Drink alot of water ( I hate that part).
Look online for the proper way to do exercises.  Don't be afraid to ask for help. Find someone to go walking with you.  Walk to places near your home instead of driving.  I purposely plan classes at the gym so I have to go.  If I'm not there in the first 10 minutes I will have a text asking where the heck I am.  I promise that there are alot of people out there that are doing the same thing we are.  Even the people we might look at and think thats theres no way they can worry about that kind of stuff. The bigger your support circle, the more you'll succeed. 

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